Thursday, December 30, 2010

Day 41; Blessed Be Christmas Day

Saturday, December 25

What a beautiful day, and what a wonderful reason to celebrate.  Glory be to God.

Family, friends, music, food, and festivities (e.g., Lakers... ugh, on Christmas?)

After getting Tom Turkey successfully dressed and into the oven, my golden retriever and I took a quiet walk across the street to the park to sit for a while and reflect. 

These are the dark moments. 

Missing my mom, my dad.  Both of my parents died within the last few years of lung cancer.  First my dad, then my mom followed a couple of years later.  My dad was a big time smoker throughout his life; my mom was a non-smoker.  Who says 2nd-hand smoke isn't dangerous? 

The Christmas holiday has certainly changed over the years for my family.  Gone are the days of my parents joining us for a big holiday gathering, playing Balderdash, or Texas Hold 'em after a big meal.  Even my sister and her husband have found alternate plans for Christmas day.  My mom was the glue when it came to family gatherings.  Now that she has left this world, things will never be the same in so many ways. 

I walked back to the house and called my sister to wish her a happy Christmas.  It was good to talk to her.  She said she visited my mother's grave today (about a 3-hour drive away for me) and then visited friends. 

When I focused on my own group here at the house, we gathered 'round the table and my soldier said the prayer.  Warms my heart.  We stuffed ourselves silly, but isn't that the way it's supposed to go?  I feel a food-coma coming on soon.

My soldier leaves tomorrow at 4:30am for the airport.  That's all I can think about right now.

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